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Configure dbt

  1. We are going to be using Snowflake Partner Connect to set up a dbt Cloud account. Using this method will allow you to spin up a fully fledged dbt account with your Snowflake connection, managed repository, environments, and credentials already established.

  2. Navigate out of your worksheet back by selecting home.

  3. In Snowsight, confirm that you are using the ACCOUNTADMIN role.

  4. Navigate to the Admin > Partner Connect. Find dbt either by using the search bar or navigating the Data Integration. Select the dbt tile.

    Open Partner ConnectOpen Partner Connect
  5. You should now see a new window that says Connect to dbt. Select Optional Grant and add the FORMULA1 database. This will grant access for your new dbt user role to the FORMULA1 database.

    Partner Connect Optional GrantPartner Connect Optional Grant
  6. Ensure the FORMULA1 is present in your optional grant before clicking Connect.  This will create a dedicated dbt user, database, warehouse, and role for your dbt Cloud trial.

    Connect to dbtConnect to dbt
  7. When you see the Your partner account has been created window, click Activate.

  8. You should be redirected to a dbt Cloud registration page. Fill out the form. Make sure to save the password somewhere for login in the future.

    dbt Cloud sign updbt Cloud sign up
  9. Select Complete Registration. You should now be redirected to your dbt Cloud account, complete with a connection to your Snowflake account, a deployment and a development environment, and a sample job.

  10. To help you version control your dbt project, we have connected it to a managed repository, which means that dbt Labs will be hosting your repository for you. This will give you access to a Git workflow without you having to create and host the repository yourself. You will not need to know Git for this workshop; dbt Cloud will help guide you through the workflow. In the future, when you’re developing your own project, feel free to use your own repository. This will allow you to learn more about features like Slim CI builds after this workshop.